Key Features
Fresh juicy Prawn.
Cleaned and ready to cook.
Enjoy these spongy and juicy prawns in curries, soups, grills, salads and more.
FSSAI License
Return Policy
This Item is non-returnable. For a damaged, defective, incorrect or expired item, you can request a replacement within 72 hours of delivery.
In case of an incorrect item, you may raise a replacement or return request only if the item is sealed/ unopened/ unused and in original condition.
Manufacturer's Address
Innovative Foods Limited, Ezhupunna Po, Ezhupunna Panchayat, Alappuzha, District,Kerala, Pin- 688537
Marketer’s Address
Innovative Foods Limited, Ezhupunna Po Ezhupunna Panchayat, Alappuzha, District,Kerala, Pin- 688537
Quantity variations from the weight may occur, caused by loss or gain of moisture during the course of good distribution practices or by unavoidable reasons.