FSSAI License
Return Policy
This Item is non-returnable. For a damaged, defective, incorrect or expired item, you can request a replacement within 72 hours of delivery.
In case of an incorrect item, you may raise a replacement or return request only if the item is sealed/ unopened/ unused and in original condition.
Manufacturer's Address
Ace Seafood Bazaar Private Limited, Unit No. 43, 61 & 62, A to Z Industrial Estate, G. K. Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400013.
Marketer’s Address
Ace Seafood Bazaar Private Limited, Unit No. 43, 61 & 62, A to Z Industrial Estate, G. K. Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400013.
Quantity variations from the weight may occur, caused by loss or gain of moisture during good distribution practices or by unavoidable reasons.