Key Features
A healthy & tasty oral care dog treat.
Contains Zinc Sulphate & Sodium Tripolyphosphate for oral care.
Contains Unique x-shape & abrasive texture.
Keeps your dog's teeth & gums strong.
Reduces tartar build-up by up to 80%.
Helps in cleaning hard-to-reach teeth.
Cleans between teeth & down to the gum line.
For adult large breeds (25+ kg,>4 months) .
One Dentastix every day keeps their mouth clean.
Return Policy
This Item is non-returnable. For a damaged, defective, incorrect or expired item, you can request a replacement within 72 hours of delivery.
In case of an incorrect item, you may raise a replacement or return request only if the item is sealed/ unopened/ unused and in original condition.
Manufacturer's Address
Mars International India Pvt Ltd , PO Box 502279 502279 Village Wargal Telangana , India
Marketer’s Address
Manufactured in India Mars International India Pvt Ltd , PO Box 502279 502279 Village Wargal Telangana , India
Pedigree Dentastix Oral Care Dog Treat for Adult Large Breed (25+ kg,>4 months) is scientifically proven to reduce tartar build-up by up to 80%. It keeps your dog's teeth & gums strong & healthy. Its unique x-shape & abrasive texture help in cleaning hard-to-reach teeth. It contains Zinc Sulphate & Sodium Tripolyphosphate for healthy oral care. It is completely digestible & has no residue.
Quantity variations from the weight may occur, caused by loss or gain of moisture during the course of good distribution practices or by unavoidable reasons.