Return Policy
This Item is non-returnable. For a damaged, defective, incorrect or expired item, you can request a replacement within 72 hours of delivery.
In case of an incorrect item, you may raise a replacement or return request only if the item is sealed/ unopened/ unused and in original condition.
Manufacturer's Address
Gitwako Farms (I) Pvt. Ltd., Khasara No. 363-364, Vill - Kesarpur, Burja, Distt. - Alwar, Rajasthan - 301001
Marketer’s Address
R/O 42, Birbal Road, Jangpura Extn., New Delhi- 110014
Kennel Kitchen Fish Chunks in gravy is made with fresh tuna, mackerel, chicken and our signature fish broth. These ingredients provide optimum proteins from a variety of meats, hence help in proper muscle development.. Tuna contains natural fats that are rich in Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that promote a healthy coat. Kennel Kitchen Tuna in Jelly contain various nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B1, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Niacin, Calcium Pantothenate, Folic Acid etc which ensures your pet's full growth and development.
Quantity variations from the weight may occur, caused by loss or gain of moisture during the course of good distribution practices or by unavoidable reasons.