Return Policy
The product is non-returnable. For a damaged, defective, expired or incorrect item, you can request a replacement within 24 hours of delivery. In case of an incorrect item, keep the item in its original condition and packaging along with the MRP tag and accessories for a successful replacement.
Length Without Packaging (in cm)
Breadth Without Packaging (in cm)
Height Without Packaging (in cm)
Manufacturer's Address
Mattel (Malaysia) SDN, BHD, Plot 206, Pral Free Trade Zone, Pral Industrial Estate, 13600 Pral, Province Wellesley, West Malaysia
Marketer’s Address
Mattel Toys (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Country of Origin
Every effort is made to maintain accuracy of all information. However, actual product packaging and materials may contain more and/or different information. It is recommended not to solely rely on the information presented